
My 4 year old daughter Tessa was diagnosed with a metabolic disorder called Glutaric Acid-uria Type 1 at 2 years old which has resulted in some damage to her basal ganglia. This damage has resulted in abdominal weakness and balance and coordination problems affecting her legs.

She has been riding with Christchurch RDA since she was 3 1/2 and I have since noticed a difference in her confidence on her pony in the Riding for the Disabled classes and an improvement in the recruitment of her abdominal muscles.

“……she is now able to ride holding on to the reins, and steering her pony with a little help from her side walker….”

She is now able to ride holding on to the reins and steering her pony with a little help from her side walker. The leg position on the horse is beneficial for getting her to activate her weak ankle dorsiflexors and counteracts the abnormal positions that her legs tend to adopt when walking and sitting.

Tessa was terrified of animals from an early age but is now completely comfortable on a horse and is quite happy to change from one horse to another which has helped with her resistance to change. As an active, outdoor family, we are looking forward to having a pursuit we can share.

Tessa loves riding and we find the whole experience extremely positive.

Kim Sitjes (Tessa’s Mum) / Physiotherapist

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