Make a donation!
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Operating costs each year are over $300,000.00 and any contribution is greatly appreciated and vital to the continuation of the special therapy provided by CRDA.
As an organisation that receives no government funding we do rely on the generosity and support of the community to help us maintain our centre.
Your donation will go towards feed and care for our equine team, wages for our staff, overheads such as power and maintenance of our buildings, administration costs and training for our coaches and volunteers. Through the generosity of the community, our supporters and revenue from hiring our centre out, we are able to subsidise the therapeutic riding sessions we operate so that they are accessible for everyone.
Use your card or payment method to make a donation right now.
all accepted.
You could make a deposit into our bank account
Christchurch RDA
BNZ 02 1268 0053466 000
Include your name and ‘Donation’ as reference.